Friday, September 21, 2012

Lucy Lu turns 2...months!

2 months!!! So much growing this past month! She loves to smile and laugh! She's following things and people with her eyes! She's also starting to grab onto and hold stuff! I was driving home the other day and I was just thinking about my love for her vs. my love for my friends.  It's such a vast and separate love.  As I would lay my life down for people I love, I would do it in a different way for Lucy.  I would do it happily so that she could live.  There would be no second thoughts about it.  And then I thought about Christ's love for us.  He could have had a second thought and post poned his sacrifice for us, but He didn't! He did it willingly. Being a parent is such an adventure and I love being this little girl's mom!! 

The picture on the top right is a classic Lucy face. I love it!

 These booties that she's wearing in these photos were my Grandma's when she was a baby!  There's a nasty stain on one of them but I was able to edit it out for this photo to show case her family's history.

This isn't a great photo aesthetically, but it's a big learning thing for babies to figure out their bodies and move them around! 

Future Photographer People!!!

This smile is to die for

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