Sunday, May 12, 2013

Chrissy and Dennis

I have known Chrissy and Dennis for quite some time.  It doesn't feel like it though.  I remember telling Chrissy about my husband before we were even dating (we're celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary this week), Chrissy (and Dennis) and I worked in AWANA at our church together (does anyone remember AWANA? lol) and mostly, Chrissy and I have kept in touch over the internet (started with myspace and migrated over to Facebook, hahaha I feel old).  They have moved away, moved back, moved away and then moved back! I would say we've got quite a history.  Dennis just recently came back from a 6 month deployment, so I felt honored for Chrissy to ask me to take their photos since their reuniting!  So much fun! You can see how much they care and love for each other just in these photos.  It truly is a dominating theme here.  I'm so glad that they're back in each others arms and returning to normal life.  My dad was a Navy pilot and frequently left and missed holidays and birthdays and my husband had to leave for three months for training for his job, so I'm no stranger to missing your loved one.  It's a beautiful thing to see the person you love and missed so terribly after a long time.
Enjoy these lovely photos.  We did them all in their beautiful back yard.


I love the way Dennis is looking at her.  I can tell how much he loves her.

May I introduce Jesse and Frodo!! Jesse was locked and loaded, waiting for me to throw her ball.

They made coffee.  I chose this adorable cup, of course it's from Anthropology

Chrissy said one of the things she missed the most about Dennis being gone was having coffee with him.  So they had a backyard coffee date. 

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