Monday, July 1, 2013

Deshazo Bridal Portraits

It's only one more month until Brittney's wedding! I haven't met her fiancĂ©' yet because he is a Marine hard at work! But Brittney and I have had plenty of time and meetings to get to know one another! She is a fun person to work for! This was one of the coolest sessions I have yet to do! We went to Belle Grove Plantation right off of 301 before Port Royal.  This place is so strikingly beautiful! A couple  renting this place from a family in Austria and are completely fixing it up and making it into a Bed and Breakfast! It's the birth place of James Madison.  It was pretty cool being in the room where he was born! The woman who owns the place has put her entire heart and soul into the regeneration of this place.  She gave me a private tour when I arrived.  They are decorating it to fit the decorating style of the appropriate time era.  The furniture is pretty much all antique.  There are some couches that are there that were Oscar nominated for best prop in the movie Lincoln though.  That was pretty amazing.  When I see that movie, I will be on the look out for them!
So Brittney and I basically took advantage of the entire house and outside and just went though everything! I encourage you to visit this place and learn about Virginia's Heritage! And please enjoy Brittney's Bridal Portrait Session.

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