Friday, September 21, 2012

Lucy Lu turns 2...months!

2 months!!! So much growing this past month! She loves to smile and laugh! She's following things and people with her eyes! She's also starting to grab onto and hold stuff! I was driving home the other day and I was just thinking about my love for her vs. my love for my friends.  It's such a vast and separate love.  As I would lay my life down for people I love, I would do it in a different way for Lucy.  I would do it happily so that she could live.  There would be no second thoughts about it.  And then I thought about Christ's love for us.  He could have had a second thought and post poned his sacrifice for us, but He didn't! He did it willingly. Being a parent is such an adventure and I love being this little girl's mom!! 

The picture on the top right is a classic Lucy face. I love it!

 These booties that she's wearing in these photos were my Grandma's when she was a baby!  There's a nasty stain on one of them but I was able to edit it out for this photo to show case her family's history.

This isn't a great photo aesthetically, but it's a big learning thing for babies to figure out their bodies and move them around! 

Future Photographer People!!!

This smile is to die for

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My own Portrait Shoot

So, I have been wanting some portraits of myself for my music and my photography, so my sisters and I all did a session together! It's odd for me to be on the other side of the lens, so I tried my hand at some modeling.


 Awesome Beach Hair!! I love it!

Mary Beth's Portrait Session

My Brother in law said he needed a new photo of my sister on his desk at work.  He asked and I delivered!!! I told him he won't know which one to choose from!! He'll just have to have a Mary Beth shrine in his office!  My sister is beautiful!