Sunday, December 23, 2012

Adriana and Ariana!

What a precious shoot this was!! I love takin pictures of parents with their children.  It's very important to docment your child's life with photos, but I am a very strong advocate for being included in this documentation as the parent.  When your child grows up, they will want to see themselves as children, but also with you.  A photo demonstrates a precious moment caught in time that they can treasure for years to come!
Adriana was the receptionist at my OB's office and saw when I was filling out my paperwork on my first visit that my occupation was a photographer! She asked for my card and looked me up, liked what she saw and next thing you know, here's her photo shoot with her adorable daughter!!  We had fun walking around and exploring downtown.  I love downtown Fredericksburg.  The history and unique architecture make for a fun venue!
Enjoy this fun Mommy Daughter photo shoot!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Rylan in the Park!

At this age, it's best to just let a toddler run around and let them do what they want.  Posing is basically impossible.  But then, who wants tons of posed photos anyways?? Capturing kids in their element, exploring and running and checking things out make the best photos in the end.  Ryland is a busy boy and he had the run of this park.  We were the only one's there which is ideal, so he got to go everywhere and do all his own exploring.  Enjoy his session.  He's a fun kid!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gray Girls

The Gray Girls.
All three sisters, all very unique individuals, and neither will leave you without their personal impression of themselves on you.
Ally, who goes to our youth group at our church that I help in, is very sports oriented, as well as boy band oriented.  Her and I share the Beiber Fever as well as a love for One D! Once, we even prayed that she would win tickets to one of their shows in youth group.  It's safe to say, this girl knows what she likes! I applaud her love of music, and hope to introduce her to more music down the line that I know she would love.
Taylor, miss Taylor.  She looks quiet, but this girl will let you know how things are going down if you don't know already!  Her facial expressions make me laugh! She usually has a line or two in our church plays and is not afraid to speak up in front of church which is great.  If you can conquor any fear of public speaking, especially in church where you'll learn what to say and how to say it, you'll definitely be a strong tower of conscience in life for others.  And this girl has definitely got that going for her.
Maddie and her Maddie pose (which you'll see down below).  She always comes and says hi to me at church which is usually accompanied by a hug.  Maddie is a very friendly little girl always with a smile.  There is no shy bone in this girls body which makes for a fun girl too! She kept the photo shoot alive with her posing and suggestions all the while having to pull her back into the photo shoot because as soon as I would finish with her, she would go over to my little Lucy and ooh and aww over her! Always busy.  Never a dull moment for Maddie.
Enjoy our photo shoot in Downtown Fredericksburg, VA!